
Omexom in Cameroon
Our team works for Utilities and Local Authorities, who want to promote access to electricity, enhance supply security, develop outdoor lighting performance & smart solution for cities.
Since 1998, Omexom in Cameroon maintains the public lighting network of the city of Yaoundé. With the multi-year contract expiring in May 2018, the Yaoundé Urban Community launched a public tender for which the Omexom teams worked a great deal to renew this two-year strategic contract.
Omexom Cameroun
- Yaoundé: Nouvelle Route Bastos, Immeuble FENA, 3ème étage
- Douala: Autoroute de l’Aviation, lieudit Bonaloka – BP 4507
T (+237) 690 450 552 / 690 448 252