22 kV High voltage line in Aremark

In Aremark, along Torpedalsveien, Omexom's teams in Norway have begun work on the new 22 kV high-voltage line, 12 m high, between Arbu and Brekke power station (South of Oslo).
A challenging project
The route along Torpedalsveien is part of a new 22 kV high-voltage line between Årbu and Brekke power station in Halden. The new high-voltage line is a total of 10.5 km long, in addition to which 13.6 km of cable will be laid in the project.
The team is also starting to install the insulators.
As part of the project, remote-controlled load disconnectors are also installed. Work will be completed before Christmas.
The project presents several challenges for the team:
- 2.4 km of lines completely cross the forest
- The power poles are planted in both soil and mountains.
- Parts of the route cross the Brattas nature reserve.
- The new line under construction is next to the old one, which will remain in service during the entire construction period.
For us, it is also an extra challenge that the old line is right next to the one we are building and is live throughout the construction period. But we are used to that, and have good routines for dealing with it.
Omexom in Norway