Drone inspection

Time-saving, cost-saving and more accurate, the data is directly fed into into the technical databases.
Omexom is setting up inspection of high-voltage lines by drones in France and the Arabian Gulf, over nearly 900 km of network.
Thanks to this solution, the intervention time for a complex inspection on a pylon is reduced to 30 minutes, compared to four hours and three people mobilized by conventional visual inspection. Another benefit: the technical visit by the drone does not require the assets to be powered off – there is no interruption of service. With the assistance of helicopters or microlights, digitalisation using LIDAR or photogrammetric technologies also allows the assets to be modeled in 3D, thus facilitating the supply of data to the asset management systems.
Drones allow inspection of that which is not easily visible by a human eye during an inspection visit.
Jahan Guillaume
Business Unit Manager