Omexom completes its first full digital 225kV high voltage substation

On May 27th, 2021, Omexom teams in Senegal and Morocco commissioned the very first full digital 225 kV high voltage substation on the african continent.
The first full digital substation in Africa
The installation in Thiès, 70 km from Dakar, of this real “brain” of the 225 kV transformer substation is part of the Pôles 2020 project involving VINCI Energies and Senelec (Senegal’s national electricity company).
The contract, signed in 2018, included the construction of a power transmission, transformation and distribution network comprising five transformer stations and 200 km of very high voltage power lines, including 120 km of 225 kV and 90 kV overhead lines and 80 km of 90 kV underground lines, as well as the roll-out of electrification networks for the regions of Tambacounda, Thies and Dakar.
The project also includes a network and data management component, through the extension of the existing IDMS (Integrated Database Management System) in Dakar and the construction of a Tier III certified data centre.
“100% digital” is a recent technology which, in addition to the digital control system, includes all the optical-headed voltage and current sensors, optical readers which guarantee 100% digital signal collection and processing.
The implementation of these innovative solutions provides greater security for staff and is more resilient and efficient thanks to remote access.
This flagship project was made possible by the synergy between the VINCI Energies teams in Africa and the technical support of Omexom.
This is a great example of combining energy transition and digital transformation to make the Senegalese electricity network more reliable.