Omexom Nuclear Projects

52-58 av. Jean Jaurès, 92700 Colombes
Other locations :
Bâtiment Le SUNWAY
257-259 Av. Jean Jaurès, 69007 Lyon
ISDEL ENERGY LIMITED (a Vinci Energies company)
160 Aztec West, Park Avenue,
Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4TU, UK
Who we are ?
Omexom Nuclear Projects (ONP) is the business unit of the Nuclear Division of Vinci Energies dedicated to the electrical installations of the EPR, EDF’s Nuclear new build program.
Our vocation is to design and build the electrical installations of these new Nuclear Power Plants in accordance with the required quality and nuclear safety standards.
The business unit is based in Colombes, close to Paris, but can also rely on its locations in Lyon and Bristol (UK) to address our international projects.
Key figures
Our expertises
Our engineering specialities are:
The business unit also has strong expertise in Site Management & Construction:

Our jobs
- Project Director,
- Project Manager,
- Project Controls Manager,
- Design Engineer, CAD Designer,
- Planning Engineer,
- Construction Manager,
- QHSSE Manager,
- Tender Engineer, etc.
Join us by applying directly on jobs.vinci.com and following us on LinkedIn.
Nuclear safety : ISO 19443
Quality : ISO 9001
H&S : ISO 45001
Fire detection : APSAD I7
Radiation protection : certification Qualianor
Qualified by UTO (EDF supply chain management)
CSR (Corporate social responsibility) : Afnor ISO 26000